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Suggested Reading List: Death, Dying & Grieving

Malestrom by Carolyn Custis James

  • A product of her book Half the Church, where James considered the treatment of women in the church, Malestrom looks at the damaging affects of patriarchy and shares Biblical examples that directly oppose a patriarchal worldview. Audiobook available.


Better Together by Danielle Strickland

  • Strickland shares what the church is missing out on by relegating women to the kitchen and children’s ministry, while restricting them from teaching and preaching. She offers a way forward where both men and women can flourish, together, in ministry. Audiobook available.


The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Alison Barr

  • Barr looks through history at how the evangelical church got to a place where women have been placed in roles of submission. From inclusive clergy in medieval times to the rise of the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, this book considers the darker side of women in the church. Audiobook available.


The Bible vs Biblical Womanhood by Philip B. Payne

  • Payne goes through each discussion point used by complementarians and offers a Biblical perspective as to how what was written has been used to oppress women within marriage and the church.


(Please note that these are affiliate links. That means, if you chose to buy these products using these links, I will receive a small compensation. However! I would never recommend anything I don't fully support.)

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