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The Cost of Division

Andrea Calvert

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

What is the cost of division?






All of this is where the enemy has the greatest hold on us. Yet, within the church, division is rampant. Do you support women in leadership? Or, do you support only male leadership? This week the Southern Baptist Convention removed Saddleback Church from their organization for ordaining a woman. This is a huge mark of division in the church and may I remind you that the Suffragette movement began in the early 20th century. Over 100 years ago. For 100 years the Western church hasn't been able to move past the discussion of women in leadership, while the Western world has moved on to bigger and more inclusive discussions.

I will begin by stating the obvious - I am a woman in ministry, therefore I have a bias towards women in ministry and leadership positions.

Lately, though, I have been shrouded with grief at the division that is caused by this one, seemingly simple, discussion. For me it comes down to one question - How do I value those who disagree with me? Because they are valuable, they are loved and they are guided by their interpretation of Scripture, just as I am. Where is the gracious tension? While I may not thrive in a complementarian context, others do. What is good for me, is not good for all. Where the line is drawn for me is when legitimate harm and spiritual abuse are occurring, such as with the teaching to stay with a physically or sexually abusive spouse. See this article for more information.

It's easy to lump churches or denominations together into faceless organizations. To label them as backwards or too extreme, far right or far left. But we should also remember that those organizations are filled with people who love God and are trying their hardest to share him the best way they know how. Do I agree with their fundamental beliefs? No. Do they agree with my progressive beliefs? No. Is God in the midst of all of it? Absolutely! (Eph. 4:6)

But, how do we see God in the oppression or silencing of a gender, race or community group? Is it in liberation? Where does our trust come from? If God gives us the desires of our hearts (Ps. 37:4), what happens when the desires may be counter to what God has called us to? What happens when our desires oppress others? I'll be honest, I don't know.

I bet if you asked a Christian what one of their desires is, their response would be "to hear, well done, my good and faithful servant." Does that mean we go about it in the same way? Not at all. We are created individually. Each of us has been created in God's image and we all share in his many different characteristics. Unity does not mean uniformity. We are told by Paul to bring attention to practices that are oppressing gently (Gal. 6:1). How it is received is not our burden. It sure can weigh on our hearts though!

Ultimately, the only one benefiting from division is Satan. To this I say, well done Western church, we have created a wonderfully, thriving environment for the enemy. Myself included.


I pray for the division. That you may be found in the midst of it, liberating all of us through gracious tension. May You be elevated above all. Speak softly to the wounded heart. We are all wounded Lord. Help us to become whole in You.

Guide and direct Your church. When people stand against teaching that oppresses or silences your children, remind them to do so with gentleness, seeking restoration so that you may be glorified.

Help us Lord, to elevate each other and, in doing so, to elevate You. Help us to understand that what may work for some may not be helpful for all, but to remember that You are in all and through all.

Stop us from arguing amongst ourselves and giving the enemy his due. The Western church's effectiveness is being hampered. I command the enemy to flee in the name of Jesus Christ. Help us to love each other as you love each one of us.


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