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10 Tips to Enhance Your Faith During the Summer

Andrea Calvert

Updated: Jul 17, 2024

Simple suggestions to engage your faith when routine has gone out the window.

a sink of strawberries and text describing a blog post

Nothing says the beginning of summer to me like a sink full of fresh local strawberries. It’s just a beautiful sight because I know I’m going to be sinking my teeth into the change of the season. It also means that my routine is coming to an end so I’m going to have to rethink how I grow my faith in times of change. With that in mind, I thought I'd share some tips that have helped me in the past.

1. Engage Play

Your kids asking to go to the beach? Pack a basket, pick a spot in the sand, and enjoy the gift of God's creation. Have fun! Laugh! Play!

Look for fun things to do that call to mind the wonders of God's works. Maybe it's finding shapes in the clouds, or interesting stones. Take a deep, cleansing breath and let yourself melt into the moment.

At the end of the day write a few things that brought joy to your heart, and offer them as praise.

2. Use APPS

There are some great apps that you can download onto your phone and take with you wherever you go. Lectio365 and Pray As You Go (the first two apps in the picture below) offer daily meditations/readings for you to reflect on. These are quick reflections, usually about 10-15 minutes, that bring Scripture, questions, and action items together.

a screenshot of free prayer apps

Centering Prayer helps you by curating a time of silence and solitude. You adjust what you want to begin and end with, the duration, and the ending sound. It's great for contemplatives who simply want to sit in the presence of God.

The YouVersion Bible allows you to get a group together and work through a plan, even though you're far apart.

3. Breath Prayers

Breath prayers are simple little prayers, rooted in Scripture, that are created to match the inhale/exhale pattern of our breath. Sometimes they come automatically, and sometimes you may choose one for season. By season I mean - a day, week, month, etc. You get the idea. Here are a few examples:

examples of breath prayers

4. Redefine "Time Alone"

If you find it hard to find some time by yourself, how about changing it up a bit? Maybe time alone means listening to one song (whether it's worship, is up to you) to help you unplug from what's going on around you, and focus your attention on God. Maybe it's while your kids are browsing the library, or playing in the park. Create pockets of time, instead of one big block of time.

5. Listen to Podcasts

There are some great podcasts out there about faith. Find one that suits you, and helps you grow.

6. Re-Read the Same Passage

You know those moments when you've read the same thing five times and you still haven't figured out what you're reading? Super frustrating, right!? I get it, but allow me to offer a different perspective... you're not racing anyone to the finish line. By that I mean, stay where you are and dig deep into what you're reading.

  • What do you glean from it?

  • What can you learn?

  • What new is jumping out at you?

  • What if you were a person/thing in the story?

    • How would you feel?

    • Who would you be?

    • What would your purpose be?

Sometimes being "stuck" doesn't have to feel like a burden. Enjoy the moment. Maybe it means setting whatever you're doing down for a while. Maybe even the whole day. That's okay, it's not going anywhere.

7. Taste...

Summer is a great time to enjoy the different flavours of Creation. From fresh fruit to barbeque's, a cold drink on a hot day to roasted marshmallows over a campfire - there's always something interesting to try. Even if you're not able to go away on vacation, try a new fruit from the grocery store. You never know what you'll find!

8. Engage Your Sacred Pathway

One of the free resources I have available is a PDF of the Sacred Pathways series I had on social media. There are nine pathways, and while you don't have only one, it's helpful to know which one means the most to you. I encourage you to download the PDF, but here are some ideas:

Naturalist: Take a walk a local conservation area.

Sensate: Listen to music, share a meal, light a scented candle.

Traditionalist: Set up a schedule to share communion with your family.

Ascetic: As much as possible, simplify part of your schedule.

Activist: Find a cause to support in your local community.

Caregiver: Meet another's needs in a tangible way.

Enthusiast: Keep a prayer or dream diary, and see where God is moving.

Contemplative: Follow an artist that allows you to engage Scripture, and art.

Intellectual: Pick up a new book to help you deepen your understanding of God.

9. Keep a Gratitude Journal

This doesn't have to be anything fancy. It can be as simple as a lined notebook, or a binder with some lined paper in it. If you're looking to step it up, but don't want to invest a bunch of money, check out the dollar store. They have some cute little journals.

Instead of full sentences, you can use point form. If you don't fill the page, you can put the next days date right underneath, unless you don't want to. It's your journal, I'm just offering suggestions. Maybe you want to draw your gratitude, or include a picture instead.

The key here isn't to make more work for you, but to adjust your priorities. Maybe you can't spend your allotted hour in prayer in the morning anymore, spend a few minutes at night jotting down some things you were grateful for throughout the day. Also - yes - not losing your cool is something to be grateful for! Keep it simple.

10. Join a Small Group

If you're someone who likes to get out and engage people, find a small group that is going through the summer. Maybe you're meeting online, but you still get to meet new people! For an extrovert, that's a wonderful thing! For an introvert - well, you get to stay in your own home, which is also a great thing.

Bonus Tip: Forget all your plans.

It's summer vacation time! Say goodbye to your usual schedule. Embrace the freedom! Enjoy this precious life God has gifted you with.

If you find something that you love, stick with it. If it's become a burden, have the courage to say "no," or "not right now." Meet God in the moment, which may mean meeting your family when it's your "prayer time." That's okay! Give yourself permission to go with the flow knowing that routine will return, and it'll be faster than you expected.

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